Veröffentlichungen und Informationen aus den Partnerländern über:
• Integration von NEETs in Ausbildung und Arbeit
• Integration von Menschen mit psychischen Krankheiten und seelischen Behinderungen in Ausbildung und Arbeit
• Integration von NEETs mit psychischen Krankheiten und seelischen Behinderungen in Ausbildung und Arbeit
Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek
1. Employment assistance for people with mental illness.
2. European Union’s Lifelong Learning Policy and the EMILIA Mental Health Project: Including the Excluded.
3. Helping people with severe mental illness to obtain work: systematic review.
4.International employment schemes for people with mental health problems.
5. Service users’ perceptions of the effective ingredients in supported employment.
6. Support Needs of People with Mental Illness in Vocational Rehabilitation Programs -The Role of the Social Network.
7. Supported Employment Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial of ACT and Clubhouse Models.
8. The Importance of Vocation in Recovery for Young People with Psychiatric Disabilities.
9. Work, employment and psychiatric disability.
10. Working Towards Recovery: The Role of Employment in Recovery From Serious Mental Health Problems: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis.
11. The socio-occupational integration of people with psychological disorders. Construction of a service network.
12. The psychodynamic median group for the socio-labour inclusion of patients with severe mental illness.
13. Getting people with disabilities to work: The case of the Province of Bolzano.
14. ASD and Guidance: The ABCs of Intervention.
15. Training and job placement of psychiatric users.
16. Effect of Career Counselling on Mental Health: Using A Clinical Change Method.
17. Innovative practices Handbook
18. Psychic Disabilities and Work Placement: A Research Path.
19. A Model of Support System for the Professional Insertion of People with Psychological Disability.
20. WHICH JOB? Vocational Rehabilitation and Supported Employment in Psychiatry.
21. Mental illnesses and working environment (Psychische Erkrankungen in der Arbeitswelt Analysen und Ansätze zur therapeutischen und betrieblichen Bewältigung).
22. Vocational counselling for mentally ill persons (Berufliche Beratung psychisch Kranker)
23. How does vocational rehabilitation and integration of mentally ill people work?
24. Project for the promotion of permeability and inclusion in the vocational training of rehabilitants –TINA.
25. Rehabilitation procedures help with career entry.
26. Handbook on Vocational Integration and Rehabilitation: How mentally ill people get and stay in work.
27. Mentally ill persons in SGB II: Situation and care
28. Lost in transition? Perceptions of health care among young people with mental health problems in Germany: a qualitative study.
29. Youth work´s contribution to provision for young people with mental health issues, in the Borough of Bury, Greater Manchester.
30. Would you train me with my mental illness? Evidence from a discrete choice experiment.
31. A cross-sectional exploration of the clinical characteristics of disengaged (NEET) young people in primary mental healthcare.
32. A Digital Platform Designed for Youth Mental Health Services to Deliver Personalized and Measurement Based Care
33. A NEET distinction youths not in employment, education or training follow different pathways to illness and care in psychosis
34. Burden of psychiatric disorder in young adulthood and life outcomes at age 30
35. Emerging adults not in education, employment or training (NEET): socio-demographic characteristics, mental health and reasons for being NEET
36. Road to Recovery: Employment and Mental Illness
37. Supported employment for adults with severe mental illness
38. The association between economic inactivity and mental health among young people: a longitudinal study of young adults who are not in employment, education or training
39. The effectiveness of supported employment for young adults with severe mental illness in improving work outcomes
40. Working with Schizophrenia: Pathways to Employment, Recovery & Inclusion